Sophie Juliane Veigl

Sophie Juliane Veigl studied Immunology, History and Philosophy of Science as well as Comparative Literature between 2011 and 2016 at the University of Vienna. In November 2015 she became a member of the DK "The Sciences in Historical, Philosophical and Cultural Contexts".
Her research interests include the philosophy of science, especially scientific pluralism, relativism and the philosophy of biology.
Research Project: Testing Scientific Pluralism
My research project focuses on several problems concerning scientific pluralism. This position can be broadly understood as the claim that there might be various explanations, theories and methods concerning a certain phenomenon, which cannot be reduced to one comprehensive account. In two separate parts I will assess the theoretical framework as well as practical implications of this position.
In a philosophical-conceptual part I intend to elaborate possible classifications of scientific pluralism, not only focusing on their respective "radicalness" or "modesty" but also on the historical background as well as ontological or empirical claims made by scientific pluralists. Further, I will assess positions leveled against and in favor of scientific pluralism and assess the relation of pluralism, monism and relativism. Lastly, I will discuss the consequences of scientific pluralism.
In an empirical part I will examine scientific pluralism within a small branch of molecular biology: small RNA biology. Doing so, I want to prove the existence of pluralism in this sub-discipline as well as to assess benefits that might arise through pluralism. First, I will provide a survey regarding existing pluralistic tendencies and second, I will try to supplement my investigations by interviewing researchers working in the field of small RNA biology.
UZA2/Rotunde - Althanstrasse 14, Ebene 3, Stiege H
1090 Wien
GPS: 48.23287, 16.358927
T: +43-1-4277-40872
F: +43-1-4277-40870